Gloomy weather + Holiday season has equaled depression for me just like it does for so many others. I was really struggling with it and I get mad at myself when I fall back into “survival mode”.  The Lord has told me that He made me to be an Overcomer.  I even wrote the blog post We Are Meant to Be Overcomers about it. 

The truth is we all fall short and Satan uses that against us.  He puts it in our heads that we aren’t enough, that we can’t overcome, that this is as good as it gets for us.

In my head, I was asking myself, ” Why can’t I get her back? You know that girl so strongly rooted and confident and happy? Why can’t I just be ok today?”

The answer always comes down to this:

Where is my focus today?

On my circumstances and what I have lost or on the Lord?

The Women’s Ministry at my church held an event last month and I am so glad that I went.  I almost didn’t.  I almost let all the excuses that popped into my head keep me from going but I had asked a friend to go with me and because of that, I went.  (Sometimes it helps to have someone you are accountable to so if you need that, please find someone who will be that for you!)

At this event, I was reminded that I needed to spend time in His Word every single day! My quiet time had been hit and miss lately and time with Him is the only place where we find true peace and healing. Being in His Word protects us and strengthens us against the enemy and his lies. It draws us closer to the Lord. It keeps our focus off our storms and onto the One who overcomes those very storms in our life! It is where His will for us is revealed.

We were challenged to read the whole book of Ephesians, once a day, in one sitting, for 21 days! (It takes 21 days to make a habit, right?)

I went home and called my youngest daughter and we read it together. I had the most peaceful sleep I’ve had in a long time. I woke up refreshed and ready for the day with a sense of expectancy!

I spent the next 21 days reading this beautiful book.  It spoke volumes to me and every single day there would be a verse that stood out to me.  A verse that I would carry with me into the day.  A verse that would speak so clearly to my heart and encourage me.  There was something new every single time I sat down to read the book of Ephesians. 

Isn’t it amazing how one little challenge like this can turn your life around?  It helped me to overcome the Holiday blues I was feeling.  It was exactly what I needed.  I am so thankful to my God for always showing up for me with exactly what I need, exactly when I need it!  That’s just who He is!  

Spending 20 minutes in His Word every single day will make a huge difference in your life! Why wouldn’t we want to spend that time with Him?

If you are searching for something, if you are struggling with the Holiday season, make sure you are spending time in the Word of God daily!

All the answers are there! Your peace is there! Your comfort is there! Your knowledge is there! Your strength is there!  Your healing is right there in the precious Word of God!

Remember that God doesn’t leave us to fight on our own. He gives us the weapons necessary to fight against our enemy (Ephesians 6:11-18) but we won’t be properly Armed for Battle if we aren’t in His Word.

I challenge you to read the Book of Ephesians, once a day, in one sitting, for 21 days!  You will be amazed at what you will learn.  You will be amazed by His presence and His Word!  

Will you take the challenge?  I would love to hear about it if you do!

If you want to read more about my #EphesiansChallenge visit my instagram page.