A new year is upon us!  This day is often spent reflecting on the good and the bad of the previous year.  I’m sure most of us have even experienced some loss this past year.  For you, it might be a job, a friendship, a loved one, or even a dream that you may have lost.  When experiencing these losses, it can be hard to move forward but we must move forward in faith!

Moving Forward in Faith

As we enter this new year, let’s fix our eyes not on what we’ve lost this past year but on where God is leading us in the days ahead. Even though we can’t predict what’s ahead we should look forward to it.  We don’t know what challenges we will face but we should look forward to them.  Doesn’t God command us to be strong and courageous? In Joshua 1:9 He tells us that He is with us wherever we go!  He is with us in the midst of our challenges and in our challenges God will have an opportunity to show up and to show off!

We can’t choose every challenge that we will face but we can choose what we carry with us as we face them.  There are some things you can’t carry with you into this new year if you truly want to move forward in your faith!  I know that is easier said than done and it will take prayer and time in His presence daily in order to accomplish it!  I struggle with the letting go of the past but thankfully my Lord doesn’t hold it against me and when I fix my eyes on Him, I can move forward!

Fix your eyes on Jesus

looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

He endured the cross for the joy set before Him… don’t let what’s behind you make you miss what’s before you! Let me say that again, don’t let what’s behind you make you miss what’s before you! Friends, this has been my mistake for far too long! I no longer want to miss out on what God has for me. I don’t want to have just a lukewarm relationship with Him.  I don’t want to use the same excuses I’ve been using and letting the things I can longer do keep me from what I’m meant to do! I don’t want a faith that is stuck in the past but a faith that moves forward!

I started today with day 1 of  She Prays: A 31-Day Journey to Confident Conversations with God(this is an affiliate link which means I will make a small commission at no cost to you)  I also joined a group of women who will meet once a month.  We will have prayer, a devotional, and some kind of work out together.  I don’t know most of these women but God brought me this opportunity and I trust Him and His plan for me. I know this is exactly what He wanted for me this year and I’m looking forward to spending time with this group of faith-filled women! He’s just amazing like that with His perfect timing!

How will you move forward in your faith?

I would love to hear what devotionals you are reading, what prayer requests you may have, or anything else you would like to share.  I’ve created a new Facebook group called Moving Forward in Faith so that we may share with one another, pray for one another, and encourage one another! Let’s help each other keep our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith!

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20

Moving forward in faith