For you created my inmost being;  you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalms 139:13-14



I don’t post a whole lot on my personal social media pages and when I do, it’s usually about my girls or my puppy!  They absolutely light up my days here on Earth. 

I have been blessed with the most amazing daughters.  They are beautiful, smart, and both very talented!  As they have come into adulthood, they have become my best friends!  They go above and beyond for their momma!  To say I am proud of the women they are becoming is an understatement and I thank God for these precious gifts He has given me every single day! 

I never once question their worth or their beauty.  I never once question if they will succeed or not because I know they will.  I know that no matter what life throws them, they will rise up.  I know God has made them each for a special purpose and in His perfect timing, He will make it known to them.  I never once question any of this where they are concerned.

But I have questioned MY worth, MY beauty, MY purpose.  Haven’t we all questioned these things about ourselves?

Why is that? 

The same God that made these beautiful human beings I get the privilege to call my daughters, made me and made you.  The same God who loves them just as they are loves me just as I am. He loves you just as you are. 

We must arm ourselves with His truth so that we don’t believe in the lies.  So we don’t play that comparison game which I am guilty of myself.  It’s not always comparing myself to others as much as comparing myself to the person I was two years ago when I was fit and healthy and confident.

What changed?  Not my God.  He stayed the same.  It was my circumstances that changed and I let that change me. I used it as an excuse.  I even let others tell me it was okay because I had been through so much. Friends, we cannot anchor our hope in our circumstances because they change almost daily!

That is why our hope has to stay anchored in the Lord. 

If we anchor our hope in Him and truly believe His word then we have to believe that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, that we are a wonderful work of God! We are His masterpiece and He has good things planned for us to do! (Ephesians 2:10) 

This week I posted a current picture of myself for the first time in a long time.  As I spend more time in the Word, I begin to see myself as God sees me and I know His truth about me. I may not be exactly where I want to be but I am proud of the person I am today!  

If you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, remember Whose you are!  Remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, a wonderful work of God.  Remember where your hope lies and believe in His truth about you. Believe He has a purpose for you. Then spend time thanking Him for who He is and who He’s made you to be!