Romans 5:3-5 “And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”


I know some of you are thinking, “But it has disappointed me before, lots of times.” When the teaching pastor read this at church yesterday, I was thinking the same thing. I was thinking of all the times my hope has disappointed me even as I prayed fervently for people in my life or for my circumstances to change. There are times, even recently, where I was disappointed in the outcome. Where I asked God, “How is this for my good?”

This morning in my quiet time, I was reflecting on yesterday’s sermon again.  Saying “I was disappointed in the outcome,” tells me I had put my hope in those relationships and my circumstances. When things were going as I had prayed, my hopes were high and when they weren’t, my mood and my attitude changed. It literally defined my whole day.

Yes, I was following what the Lord had put on my heart to pray and He was answering so many of my prayers. But had my hope been truly anchored in the Lord or had it been in the outcome I wanted? I really had to think about that this morning and ask myself some hard questions. Where do I put my hope in times of trouble? I want to say I always put them in the Lord and honestly most of the time I do. But as I look back, I see where there were times I put my hope in something else or someone else. I had put my hope in what I “wished” would be the outcome.

Our hope should be an expectation of what is SURE or CERTAIN. Our circumstances change, people change, but the LORD never changes. He is SURE and CERTAIN. Hope will never fail you if it is anchored in someone who never fails. HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT when you put it in our unchanging, ever faithful LORD.

I continue to pray daily for the Lord to fill me up with more of HIM and less of me. This morning He showed me that He is doing exactly that. One day at a time. One devotion at a time. Sometimes even one small step at a time. He is changing me. The pain and grief still swallow me up at times, but I just call on Him for comfort and healing. I seek Him. I try to focus on today and what He has for me at this moment. I am not worried about tomorrow for my HOPE is anchored in the LORD. He has something greater still…

hope does not disappoint

Where is your hope anchored?