We are to stand on scripture when we pray. 

The Lord loves to hear us speak His words to Him.  I always have a scripture to back up whatever it is I’m praying about.  I have verses that calm my anxieties (Philippians 4:6-7), verses that keep me from being afraid (2 Timothy 1:7), verses that remind me to persevere (James 1:4), and that remind me what FAITH can do (Matthew 17:20).  These are written on my bathroom mirror, my microwave, my dresser mirror, and on sticky notes everywhere.  I need God’s word to get through my day and to help keep my focus on Him.  His word is filled with His promises to us.  I hold tight to those promises each and every day.

Growing up Philippians 4:13 was always my favorite verse and it’s still a very important one to me now.  This verse has seen me through many ups and downs.  It is the verse I even quoted as I stood before a church filled with people on the day of my husband’s funeral almost 15 years ago. It was the first scripture I went to at the beginning of this journey as well but now there are so many bible verses that speak to me.  I have a spiral that I write them in and re-read daily.

I could list all the scriptures that I have written down and stood on but I won’t.  There are so many good ones and the ones that speak to me might not speak to you, in the same way, depending on where you are in your own journey. I will share that the one that speaks to me the most right now is Romans 12:12. 

“Rejoicing in hope; be patient in tribulation; be constant in prayer.”

My close friend and prayer warrior, Sandi (We were destined to be great friends having the same name!!), gave me this scripture months ago. She sent it to me in a text and said as soon as she saw it, she knew it was for me.  I saved it and would read it from time to time.  My friends, this is the scripture that I have come to live by!

God has been answering so many of my prayers.  It has amazed more than just me! In answering even some of my smallest prayers He has given me hope and encouragement that He is working on the big ones too!  I am truly REJOICING IN MY HOPE on a daily basis!  Sometimes when I call Sandi in tears about something, she will ask me, “Are you rejoicing in your hope?” and that will automatically shift my thinking and my emotions because she is right!  There is too much to rejoice in for me to be thinking and worrying about the one thing that didn’t go right that day!

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The second part of this verse, BE PATIENT IN TRIBULATION, is the one I’m really working on. Honestly, I can persevere with the best of them.  I’ve never been one to give up easily no matter how long and hard the road ahead is because I know what my God can do and He continues to carry me through!  Patience on the other hand……well, let’s just say I’ve been pretty impatient at times especially when God starts answering my prayers.  I have had to ask forgiveness for my impatience and selfishness because I get caught up wanting it all right now!  I’m reminded daily that I need to be patient even by my prayer warriors. I know it is all in God’s timing!  I know I will get there when I’m meant to get there and not one moment sooner!  I’m always wondering and asking God what “work” do I need to do and I’ve realized that my waiting does not mean I’m not doing anything.  It means I’m PATIENT while my faith is doing something! Sometimes my sense of urgency can get in the way of what God is doing.  I need to be patient and not try to force anything. Patience is not only the ability to wait but how you act during the wait. A waiting person is a PATIENT person….see all this PATIENCE!!! I honestly thought I was a patient person but God has shown me differently.  Most of the time if I am having a bad day, it really is because of my impatience.  I’m a work in progress and I am thankful that God is teaching me to BE PATIENT DURING MY TIME OF TRIBULATION.



CONSTANT IN PRAYER is my favorite part of this scripture because I know communication is key in any relationship and I desire to grow in my relationship with the Lord.  I can always find peace and joy in Him.  I know the Bible says to go to your room and close the door to pray (Matthew 6:6) but I believe we cannot be CONSTANT IN PRAYER if that is the only time we are praying! I agree that I need to set aside time to pray like this so that there are absolutely no distractions and I do but it is not the only place that I pray.  I also pray in my car. Sometimes I go to the bathroom at work to pray.  I pray at my kitchen table and of course on my walks!  I have always believed in the power of prayer and my prayer life has grown so much over the last six months.  I’ve learned how to truly pray fervently. I’ve learned to worship the Lord in my prayers and not just come to Him with a list of petitions.  I know there is still much for me to learn so I am trying to be still so that I can hear what God is saying to me and teaching me.

Prayer is just as much about listening to what God has to say as it is talking to Him.

All the answers you will ever need can be found in the Word of God. I am so thankful for all the scriptures that the Lord has given me but Romans 12:12 has become the verse of my heart! It captures everything to me during this season of my life.  Rejoice, be patient, and pray always my friends!!