Photo by Sam Bark on Unsplash

Today is one of those days for me.  No matter how strong I believe in what God is doing, I still have bad days.  I still have days that I cry a lot!  It isn’t that I don’t believe that God is working on my behalf because I know He is.  I still stand firm on the promises He has given me but I still hurt.  I still let the waiting get to me some days.  I still ask, “God how strong do you need me to be??”

His answer is always the same, “My child, you do not need to be strong.  Lean on me, I will be your strength.” 

So on a day like today, I lean heavier on my God.  I ask Him to comfort me, to strengthen me, to carry me through the day……I spend every moment I can praying to Him.  I spend my lunch in my car praying and listening to my worship music.  I read my spiral of scriptures.  I reach out to my prayer warriors and ask for prayer and they always, always lift me up right then and encourage me. They never let me give up!

I never ask God WHEN will it happen because I know it is in His timing and not for me to question.  I never doubt that the more hopeless I feel the situation is, the bigger my God can show up.  I never stray from HIM.  I have to remind myself to focus on HIM, the problem solver, and not the problem.  I find a way to be joyful.  I find a way to sing praises to Him.  I find a way to give Him all the glory.  I thank Him for the blessings He has bestowed upon me.  I thank Him for that first walk again.  I thank Him for taking the time for me, for never leaving me, for carrying me through.  I thank Him for the storm and this season of waiting that is creating something new and better in me. I thank Him for the testimony He is building in me.  I thank Him in all things and all circumstances because He is my everything!  I delight myself totally in Him and as the day progresses, the pain eases a little more and a little more; my tears flow a little less.  I find peace in knowing that God has not brought me this far, to leave me now.

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I just have to wait patiently (Psalms 37:7); quietly (Psalm 62:5); and expectantly (Psalm 105:5). 

Waiting expectantly is what truly gets me through the waiting because I know God is going to fulfill His promises to me.  It may not happen exactly as I hope or as I want, but it will happen and it will be exceedingly, abundantly more than I could ever ask or think! (Ephesians 3:20)

Hang in there and keep waiting on God.  Let Him be your strength when you are weak.  Let Him bring you joy in your time of sorrow.  Stay close to Him and He will bring you through!

How can I pray for you today?