I decided to get a tattoo surprising everyone including myself! 

I wanted it to be something to remind me of how far God has brought me in a very short time.  My favorite verse has always been Philippians 4:13 but that was too long for me…I was nervous enough about it!  Besides, this isn’t the only scripture getting me through.  The Lord has put a whole spiral of scriptures on my heart.  I go back and reread them daily to help remind me of His promise, His mercy, and His grace.

After I read Faithing It: Bringing Purpose Back to Your Life! by Cora Jakes Coleman, I started using the #faithingit on all my social media posts.  And really this whole journey is about FAITH. It’s about MY FAITH.  The Lord has been instilling in me a FAITH that moves MOUNTAINS.  He has been teaching me to FIGHT with FAITH, to match my FAITH with my PROCESS, and having FAITH in God is what gets me through.  The testing of our FAITH will bring about perseverance and it is through FAITH that my promise is possible.

Of course, I then googled images for FAITH and immediately knew the one I would get as soon as I saw it.  It was simply the word Faith that looks like a cross or a sword as someone pointed out to me (I liked that idea too!)  So much power, so much hope, so much promise in that one little word: FAITH.  I am thankful that God took the time to take me through a storm to increase my FAITH.


My girls went with me to get the tattoo and helped me decide on the size.  They weren’t allowed to go back with me though and I was counting on one of them to hold my hand.  Instead, I connected my Bluetooth and listened to my song “Just Be Held” and as soon as the song ended the tattoo was finished!  I, of course, looked away the entire time and just sang softly with my music (yes, I am a big chicken!!)  I will probably never do that again but I am happy to have this one word that means so much to me forever on my arm just as I will walk forever in my FAITH.




If you got something spiritual tattooed on your body, what it would be and what would it symbolize? If you already have a spiritual tattoo, why did you get it? What does it symbolize?