Do you feel hopeless? Are you searching and grasping for anything that might give you even a shred of hope? Open your Bible and be filled with all the hope you need!

Putting my hope in the Lord is what gets me through the storms of life. I know we have all had our share of storms! It seems as soon as we get through one, another one is on its way. I always look for scriptures to help me through whatever storm I am in. I will stand on those scriptures and pray my way through the storm to an answer; to a promise; to the next step in my faith journey; to whatever it is the Lord has for me! We all need hope and what better place to find it than in the Word of God! There are so many scriptures but here are a few to get you headed in the right direction!
I get told all the time, “Sandy, you are such a strong woman!” In all reality, I am not strong. I just serve a God who is and by putting all my hope in Him, He does renew my strength. He replenishes me daily with whatever I need at that moment if I just call on His name and ask! He will do the same for you!
His plans are always better than the ones I have in my head. I’ve tried it on my own and friends, I have failed every single time! Even when things around me make me ask, “How is this for my good Lord?” Deep down, I know I can trust Him. Deep down, I know that He has something more for me than my current storm. He is trying to grow me and mold me into His image. He truly does want what is best for us! I am not perfect and I falter. I am so thankful that the Lord doesn’t say, “This is the last time I’m putting you back together!” I can always count on Him to pick me up and carry me through! Knowing my future is laid out by the Lord is enough to give me HOPE!
It is so easy to let life make you afraid. To let it discourage you and leave you hopeless! If the Lord is with me wherever I go, why do I need to be afraid??? When I am at my lowest points, I look to my Savior to pull me up and carry me through. When I spent over a week in the hospital with my daddy, sitting by his bed, knowing he would leave this world any day, I put my hope in the Lord. I knew His timing would be perfect! I knew He would be with me at that moment when I would have to say my final goodbyes and I knew He would be with me in every moment leading up to that too! That gave me the strength to be what my daddy needed me to be in his final days! I am so thankful that the Lord was there with us, comforting us, strengthening us, and giving us that precious time together. Most of all I am thankful that I will see my daddy again because we both put our HOPE in the Lord and have chosen at some point in our lives to accept Him as our Lord and Savior!
Life makes you weary. It can literally take your breath away and leave you bone-tired and drained. Find rest in the Lord! He will give you exactly what you need when you need it!
I can not say it enough, His word gives us hope! It is full of His promises to us! It gives us all the answers we will ever need this side of Heaven! Spend time getting to know the kind of hope that comes from our Lord by reading His word daily!
His unfailing love gives me hope! Whatever storm you are going through right now is meant to grow you as a Christian. It is meant for you to learn something from your Heavenly Father. Put your hope in the Lord and your storm will not seem impossible anymore. On the other side of that storm is a Promise; God’s Promise! We won’t know what that Promise is until we get through the storm but I do know that it will be worth it! His ways are perfect! His timing is perfect! What are you waiting on??? Put your hope in Him and be victorious!
God is GREAT. Thanks for sharing about Hope. The world needs more of it
Yes ma’am, I agree! Thank you for reading! Have a blessed day!
Thanks for sharing this!
You’re welcome! Have a blessed day!
What a wonderful collection of verses, and I was uplifted by your comments. Thank you!
I am so glad to know this! We all need encouragement so any little bit I can provide for anyone is for His glory! Have a blessed day!
Thank you for sharing words of comfort 🙂
You’re welcome! Blessings!
Beautiful…thank you!
You are so welcome! Blessings to you and yours!
Thank you for the lovely support.
You’re welcome! It was a good reminder for myself as well! Have a blessed day!
Everyone needs hope at some point in their lives or another. I have felt my faith wane a bit, but I have been through some tough circumstances and felt someone must have been watching over me for them to turn out the way they did. Thank you for sharing.
Yes ma’am! It’s always a good feeling to know someone is watching over you! Makes those tough circumstances a little more bearable! Have a blessed day!
Love it! Isaiah 40 rocks. I love that you put these on shareable backgrounds too! Are they on Pinterest also?
Thank you! I’m so glad you loved it! Yes, they are also on Pinterest!
Love these verses! These are great to turn to when doubt starts to creep in.
Absolutely! I keep a spiral that I write verses down in that speak to me and then reread them when I need them! Always helps! Be Blessed today!
Thank you for sharing such beautiful verses. 🙂
You’re welcome! Have a blessed day!
This was so beautiful! Just a good read this morning to renew my spirit and start my day perfectly! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you! I am so glad that you enjoyed it! Have a blessed day!
Very uplifting. Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome! That was the goal so thank you! Have a blessed day!
I love the one in Romans! If god is for us! I need these on my desktop!
Same for me! I have sticky notes all over my desk!
I love your connection to all of these. Thanks for sharing!
I’m glad you enjoyed it! Blessings to you and yours!
Faith keeps me moving forward!
Amen! We would be lost without it!
I love this post! Thank you for sharing the encouragement!
You are so welcome! Have a blessed day!
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